<![CDATA[RENNY SPENCER PHOTOGRAPHY - Blog]]>Sat, 11 May 2024 00:03:26 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[The Plan vs the Reality in wildlife photography]]>Sat, 22 May 2021 20:45:58 GMThttp://rennyspencerphotography.com/blog/the-plan-vs-the-reality-in-wildlife-photographySometimes people think wow animals are always posing so majestically, and that's understandable as most photographers only show that side of wildlife. It must be wonderful seeing wildlife all the time, you say. It is wonderful seeing wildlife so often, but they are not always posing majestically. Most of the time they are like us humans in that they just want to relax, to be lying around their homes in sweats so to speak.

Let's look at this photograph as an example. I found this young pronghorn taking a nap in the pasture. Here he was minding his own business. I get my camera set up and get some photos of him laying there. I can tell he is growing tired of me and I get ready as sometimes they get up and you get a couple of nice majestic shots followed by a highspeed shot or two as majestically run miles away from you. Well, this one like many a lazy human just got up, stretched, probably had bad morning breath, hair out of place, etc, etc. Never turned and gave me that majestic headshot that we are used to seeing in most artwork. Never ran. He just squatted and took a poop. Yes, that's poop pellets in midair for this ummm glamorous wildlife shoot.

Thanks for traveling along with me in the wilderness.

West Texas Pronghorn 001085 by Renny Spencer (aka the Plan)

Pronghorn Pooping 001245 by Renny Spencer (aka the reality)

<![CDATA[What’s up with how small your west Texas mule deer seem?]]>Sun, 21 Mar 2021 13:13:49 GMThttp://rennyspencerphotography.com/blog/whats-up-with-how-small-your-west-texas-mule-deer-seem​What’s up with how small your west Texas mule deer seem?
Through the decades I have been asked that question by many people that are used to seeing the larger mule deer in central and western states.  The simple answer is genetics and the environment they live in.  I don’t mean bad genetics though that can play a part at times, I’ll save that discussion for a different day. 
What do I mean by genetics then?  The mule deer we have in west Texas is a subspecies, Odocoileus hemionus crooki.  The iconic mule deer that most people see in their mind's eye when they think of a mule deer is the Rocky Mountain Mule Deer or scientifically known as Odocoileus hemionus hemionus ( not a typo they double up on hemionus ).  There are several other subspecies found in the United States as well but I won’t attempt to name them all.
West Texas mule deer still look and act like other mule deer for the most part.  They do tend to be grayer in color.  Often they are referred to as desert muleys or gray ghosts. 
Hope that starts to answer the question.  Please be sure to check out all the mule deer artwork I have available for sale at www.rennyspencerphotography.com or my print-on-demand site https://renny-spencer.pixels.com/ .  
Thanks for visiting!!!!!
Renny Spencer
<![CDATA[Mule deer ......... Inverted]]>Sun, 25 Oct 2020 00:46:25 GMThttp://rennyspencerphotography.com/blog/mule-deer-invertedI seem to have mule deer on the brain,   I enjoy the time I get to spend watching and studying their behavior.  I enjoy watching the pecking order in a group of mule deer.  Often the boss is an old mule deer doe.  She will kick at another mule deer doe and often even a buck, then they will turn kick someone else and so on and so forth.  Usually there is no harm to one another during this.  

"​Stotting – Mule deer have a very unique way of running. While they can run the “traditional way,” they commonly run in a more unique fashion. These deer frequently run by stotting, which is where they hop along and land with all four feet at a time."
<![CDATA[Mule Deer Buck in the Woods]]>Fri, 23 Oct 2020 00:11:39 GMThttp://rennyspencerphotography.com/blog/mule-deer-buck-in-the-woodsA mature mule deer buck in the glow of the morning sun, A dead tree is seen just in front of him. Antlers glimmer in the sun shine. Nose is covered in mud. Ears and eyes alert.

The Davis Mountains of west Texas are home to many types of flora and fauna. There are deer, elk, antelope ( pronghorn ), aoudad ( barbary sheep), and many other types of wildlife.

The following is from:

"Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) are very common throughout the western United States. They are named for their oversized ears that resemble a mule's ears. Compared to its cousin, the white-tailed deer, mule deer are smaller in size, and have a black-tipped white tail and white patch on the rump. They can be three feet tall at the shoulder and weigh anywhere between 100 and 300 pounds. They have excellent hearing and eyesight that warns them of approaching dangers.

Males, called bucks, have forked antlers. They shed antlers in mid-February and their next set begins to grow immediately after. Antlers are covered with velvety skin until fully formed, when the buck scrapes this layer off. Females are called does and do not have antlers."

<![CDATA[Hey!!! Are you looking at me?]]>Sun, 13 Sep 2020 20:29:51 GMThttp://rennyspencerphotography.com/blog/hey-are-you-looking-at-me
With poor eye sight javelina will either be very curious and come close to the unknown or run away.  Be sure to check out my other collared peccary photos in the gallery.  #javelina #collaredpeccary
<![CDATA[September 04th, 2020]]>Fri, 04 Sep 2020 23:45:14 GMThttp://rennyspencerphotography.com/blog/september-04th-2020
The wildlife seem to get tired of the photos as well.  Sure enjoy seeing and photographing these amazing animals..  
<![CDATA[Night everyone]]>Wed, 02 Sep 2020 01:46:49 GMThttp://rennyspencerphotography.com/blog/night-everyone
Sorry I have already been neglecting my blog again.  And here it is bed time and.....yawn.

​I'll try harder.
<![CDATA[Stinky the javelina and friends.]]>Mon, 31 Aug 2020 01:30:56 GMThttp://rennyspencerphotography.com/blog/stinky-the-javelina-and-friendsThe javelina is a neat critter though can be smelly especially when startled.  For fun and to try and show their beauty I have created an Instagram page for Stinky as well as Stinkys own area on my photo sales page which can be found in Stinky's Instagram bio.  Thanks for following Stinky and hey me as well. 


<![CDATA[Let Me Try This Again.....................]]>Sat, 29 Aug 2020 15:46:15 GMThttp://rennyspencerphotography.com/blog/let-me-try-this-againWell low and behold I got distracted again.  Eventually I will get better about staying with my photo page.  
Stay tuned but maybe don't hold your breath based on my previous history.  
Art Prints
<![CDATA[What a ride....]]>Mon, 02 Sep 2019 23:32:57 GMThttp://rennyspencerphotography.com/blog/what-a-rideWell the bike is a real blast.  Getting lots of exercise but the pedal assist from the motor is helping me truly conquer mountains.  The downhill is a thrill, the wind roars in your ears.  Saving wear and tear on my truck as well.  Truly lots of upside so far.  Still haven't started carrying my camera as of yet, but hopefully soon I will be ready.  Video is a short ride down a steep mountain road and the long ride back up that part, lol.  Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel.  Thanks. 